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Energy Resources

Basic of Energy Resource We use energy resource every day. Energy resource is very fascinating . It surrounds us in differ en t forms such as heat, light and electricity.  Any living organism relies on an external sources of energy e.g. Radiation from the sun in the case of green plants, chemical energy in some form in the case of animals (to be able to grow and reproduce). Energy is always conserved, which means that it can neither be created nor be destroyed. Energy may be transformed from one form to another. There is no absolute measure of energy, because energy is defined as the work that one system does (or can do) on another. Thus, only the transition of a system from one state into another can be defined and thus measured. Objectives Explain the meaning of energy and its unit. Understand the various forms of energy. Know the world reserve of energy Describe the different energy sources. ENERGY Ener gy is d efi ned as th e ability or the capacity to do the wo