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VESDA - Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus

Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus:- VESDA  ®  (an abbreviation of  Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus ) is a laser-based smoke detection system. The name VESDA  ®  has become a generic name for most air sampling applications. The name VESDA  ®  is a trademark of Xtralis. VESDA System Online Shopping in India on Amazon What is VESDA  ® ? VESDA  ®  is a laser-based smoke detector, which means it is a very good smoke detector. VESDA  ®  smoke detectors have been operating in specialist fire detection applications for over 20 years. VESDA  ®  is the most advanced aspirating smoke detection equipment in the fire industry. VESDA  ®  smoke detectors hold more certifications than any other aspirating smoke detectors in the world. VESDA AIRFLOW How does VESDA  ®  work? A VESDA  ®  detector is much like a vacuum cleaner.  VESDA® works by continually dr...