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Showing posts with the label Non Renewable Energy

Hydrogen as Renewable Energy

Hydrogen Energy Hydrogen is the most abundant. Hydrogen gas has remarkable characteristics including colorless, tasteless and invisible that make it hotly pursued. It can also be transformed into a renewable, nonpolluting and zero-emission energy resource. It's viewed as the foundation of the new energy economy. The quest for hydrogen energy started way back in 1776 by the British researcher Henry Cavendish.  He initially recognized it as a particular component after he created hydrogen gas by oppressing zinc metal to hydrochloric corrosive. Henry Cavendish made another wonderful disclosure during an exhibition to the Royal Society of London when he acquainted a sparkle with hydrogen gas, delivering water simultaneously. This noteworthy advancement prompted his decision that water (H2O) is made out of hydrogen and oxygen. From that point forward, hydrogen innovation has filled quickly, and today, it is utilized as a fuel source to control vehicles, electric frameworks, and the crea...

Sustainable Energy in India: Current Status and Future Potential

Sustainable Energy in India It isn't covered up any longer that India has a huge supply of inexhaustible assets and it has one of the biggest projects in the world for sending sustainable power source items and frameworks. India is the main nation on the planet to have a restrictive service for sustainable power source improvement, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) which has propelled one of the world's biggest and aggressive projects on the sustainable power source. This article gives a short review of different sustainable power source assets, their status in India, the financial effect of sustainable power source assets (RES), challenges related with it and the eventual fate of RES in India. Renewable Energy versus Coal Vitality is viewed as the most critical structure hinder in human advancement and it is a key factor that impacts the manageable improvement of any country. The ordinary sources have a scary shadow on our present and future worldwid...

What are Energy Resources ?

Primary energy resources are those that are found in nature and mostly converted into secondary resources in industrial utilities. For example, Coal, Oil and Gas (primary energy resources) are converted into steam and electricity (secondary resources of energy) for various applications. The principal energy resources on our plants are the fossil fuels like coals, oil, natural gas, biomass (such as wood, agricultural waste, etc.), water, wind and nuclear energy. Some uncommon energy resources include geothermal and tidal energy. These energy resources are usually classified as:- Primary and Secondary Resources Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources Commercial and Non-Commercial Resources                                                       1). Primary and Secondary Resources :- Primary energy resources are th o se that ar...