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Energy Conversion

Energy is always conserved, which means that it can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy may be transformed from one form to another. The concept of energy and its transformations is extremely useful in explaining and predicting most natural phenomena.

                                                                         ðŸ”º E = W

Here, E is the amount of energy transferred and W represents the work done on the system. In this equation, you can see that all energy transferred in converted in to work which is not correct since there are energy losses, Q involved whenever there is a transfer of energy.

                                                                         ðŸ”ºE = W + Q

where Q represents the heat flow into the system.

Modes of Energy Conversion:-

The conversion of energy can be classified based on the stages involved in the energy conversion processes. This could be direct conversion, single stage conversion and multistage conversion.

Direct Energy Conversion

The three direct energy conversion processes. Photoelectric, Thermo-electric and Electro chemical.

1). Photoelectric Energy Conversion:-

In photo-electric conversion, solar energy is directly converted into electricity. Solar energy (light) can be thought of made of quanta of light called photons. The energy conversion device is called a solar cell or solar photo-voltaic (PV) cell. A solar cell is made up of semiconductor material. When light strikes the junction (p-n junction) of a semi-conductor material, the voltage appearing across the junction of the cell. The energy of the photons gets converted into electrical energy.

*** The direct energy conversion was of immense importance in spacecrafts where solar PV cells were used to power the spacecrafts.

2). Thermo-electric Energy Conversion:-

Thermocouple devices are used to convert thermal energy directly into electricity. The principle of thermocouple is simple. When a junction made of two different metals (e.g. Copper and Iron) is heated, a voltage appears across the output terminals of the junction due to differential heating of the two different metals.

The efficiency of a thermo-electric converter may be written as follows.

Where, T1 is the temperature of hot reservoir and T2 is the temperature of the sink. 
Z is called a figure of merit of the thermocouple.

3). Electrochemical Energy Conversion:-

The chemical energy can be directly converted into electricity. The device used is known as Fuel Cell.

                                                   Chemical   →     Fuel       →        Electrical 
                                                     Energy              Cell                     Energy

Multistage Energy Conversion:-

In multistage energy conversion, energy conversion take place in the multistage. For example, Electromechanical Conversion in which the electrical energy converted into mechanical energy and vice-versa. The energy conversion device is called an electric machine which is able to convert an electric energy into mechanical energy and vice versa.
Electric machines are of two types and are called as Generator and Motor

Generator:- The device which is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a generator.

Motor:- The device which is used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy is called motor.

Some of the important energy conversion processes are:-
  • Conversion of Heat into Electricity: Thermoelectric Power
  • Conversion of Heat into Electricity: Geothermal Power
  • Conversion of Heat into Electricity: Ocean Thermal Power
  • Conversion of Gravitational Potential Energy into Electricity: Hydroelectric Dams
  • Conversion of Kinetic Energy into Electricity: Electric Generator
  • Conversion of Chemical Energy into Electricity: Fuel Cell
  • Conversion of Chemical Energy into Heat and Light: Lamp
  • Conversion of Nuclear Energy into Electricity: Nuclear Power Plant
  • Conversion of Wind Energy into Electricity: Wind Mills
  • Conversion of Solar Energy into Electricity: Solar Cells or PV Cell
  • Conversion of Wave Energy into Electricity: Wave Power
Video regarding:- Energy Conversions


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