
Environmental Impacts

When we try to understand energy, we have to understand energy resources and their limitations along with their impact on the environment. All the developed nations of the world are consuming more energy for their economic development as compared to developing nations. We can help to save the environment by:- 1) Reducing the use of energy without affecting the progress. 2) Reducing the waste produced & 3) Using renewable energy sources. Environmental Impacts Of Fossil Fuels:- 1). Human Activities Responsible for Greenhouse Gases:- The important activities responsible for releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere are: 1). The production of carbon dioxide when fossil fuels are used to generate energy and when fossil fuels are used to generate energy and when forests are cut down and burned. 2). The production of methane and nitrous oxide from agricultural activities, changes in land use and other sources. 3). The production of man made chemicals called halocar

Energy Fuels

Fuel may be defined as the storing of energy. The higher is the concentration of energy storage, better is the fuel. Classification of Fuels:- 1). Solid Fuels : - Solid fuels are mainly classified into two categories as mentioned below: a). Natural fuels such as Wood, Coal, etc. b). Manufactured fuels such as Charcoal, coke, briquettes, etc. Wood:- Ash Content : -   It varying degrees of calcium, magnesium and sodium carbonate as well as minute quantities of iron oxides, alumina and silica. Moisture Content : -  It varies from about 40 to 60%. It strongly depends upon the type of the tree as well as the season of the year. Characteristics of the flame : - It depends on the tar content of wood. Combustion characteristics : -  They have observed that the lighter wood burns more intensely with a long flame as compared to hick wood. Ignition Temperature : -  It depends upon the different kinds of woods for eg . Pine at 295 C, Oak at 287 C, Larch at 290 C and Fir at 29

Energy Conversion

Energy is always conserved, which means that it can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy may be transformed from one form to another. The concept of energy and its transformations is extremely useful in explaining and predicting most natural phenomena.                                                                          ðŸ”º E = W Here, E is the amount of energy transferred and W represents the work done on the system. In this equation, you can see that all energy transferred in converted in to  work which is not correct since there are energy losses, Q involved whenever there is a transfer of energy.                                                                          ðŸ”ºE = W + Q where  Q represents the heat flow into the system. Modes of Energy Conversion:- The conversion of energy can be classified based on the stages involved in the energy conversion processes. This could be direct conversion, single stage conversion and multistage conversion.

What are Energy Resources ?

Primary energy resources are those that are found in nature and mostly converted into secondary resources in industrial utilities. For example, Coal, Oil and Gas (primary energy resources) are converted into steam and electricity (secondary resources of energy) for various applications. The principal energy resources on our plants are the fossil fuels like coals, oil, natural gas, biomass (such as wood, agricultural waste, etc.), water, wind and nuclear energy. Some uncommon energy resources include geothermal and tidal energy. These energy resources are usually classified as:- Primary and Secondary Resources Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources Commercial and Non-Commercial Resources                                                       1). Primary and Secondary Resources :- Primary energy resources are th o se that are found in nature and mostly converted into secondary resources in industrial utilities. For example, Coal, Oil and Gas (primary energy resource

Various Form of Energy

Energy use in India is quite appreciable for commercial and industrial applications. The increase is almost 5% per year. The energy resources used are  : COAL BIOMASS (Wood and Cow dung) OIL (Petrol, Diesel, and Kerosene) ELECTRICITY (about 70% of electricity in India is generated by polluting coal.) Energy exists in many forms. Broadly speaking, we can classify energy into two types, potential and kinetic energy. Potential Energy The potential energy is the stored energy and the energy of position (gravitational). Potential Energy exists in many forms. 1). Chemical Energy:- The energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules is called chemical energy . The examples of stored chemical energy are petrol, diesel, kerosene,  natural gas, coal, wood and other biomass. The stored chemical energy is released as heat when these fuels burn. 2). Nuclear Energy:- The energy stored in the nucleus of an atom, the energy that holds the nucleus together is called

Energy Resources

Basic of Energy Resource We use energy resource every day. Energy resource is very fascinating . It surrounds us in differ en t forms such as heat, light and electricity.  Any living organism relies on an external sources of energy e.g. Radiation from the sun in the case of green plants, chemical energy in some form in the case of animals (to be able to grow and reproduce). Energy is always conserved, which means that it can neither be created nor be destroyed. Energy may be transformed from one form to another. There is no absolute measure of energy, because energy is defined as the work that one system does (or can do) on another. Thus, only the transition of a system from one state into another can be defined and thus measured. Objectives Explain the meaning of energy and its unit. Understand the various forms of energy. Know the world reserve of energy Describe the different energy sources. ENERGY Ener gy is d efi ned as th e ability or the capacity to do the wo